Karl Bremer Office Accommodation for Belville Region office in Cape Town, In the Western Cape. The Structure comprises of two wings the North wing with 3 storeys and the southern wing with 5 storeys. The office accommodation will be completed midway this year (2016) It is the first building internationally to have combined the atmosphere of socio-economic and environmental strategies to achieve a Five Star rating. The design for the Karl Bremer Office Block has achieved a 5-Star Green Star SA Office V1 Design rating. It is on the Karl Bremer Hospital site, on the corner of Mike Pienaar Boulevard and Frans Conradie Avenue. The Department of Transport and Public Works, Provincial Government Western Cape owns the building under construction, which will be occupied by the provincial Department of Health. The Green Star SA Accredited Professional on the project is Nick Gorrie from Agama. He says: “Karl Bremer Office Block is developing into an exciting and innovative project. On one h...